29 May 2006

Dirty, dirty girls

One of the teenage daughters from the family to our right, Amanda, and I decided that we would rip out our (verysmall) shared garden. The garden is between our front walks and has had gigantic hostas growing in them since.... Forever. Or, about that long, anyway.

So, up to Suelke's we went. (Yay! I heart Suelke's!)

Amanda and I decided on a color theme of white, yellow and blue. It actually turned out to be more white, yellow and purple because there aren't a lot of blue flowers out there. We grabbed about one of everything (seriously) within our color requirements and a few bags of topsoil. One of my favorite flowers is a columbine, but I had never seen a two-colored one (see photo at right) - it's beautiful! We bought one to take place center stage in the garden, and two white ones to sit on each side.

Jason was very supportive throughout the entire shopping trip, and so I bought him one of the most beautiful hanging plants on earth. [Photo coming soon!]

Once home, we ripped out the hostas and put them aside for Amanda's family to take up to their camper at Boulder Woods in Green Lane. Then we tediously picked out as many of the weeds as we could, turned the soil (with a pick ax and shovels), mixed in top soil and laid out the plants. Turns out, Amanda has a really great eye for gardening! She did a fantastic job arranging all the different flowers. Finally, we planted, mulched and watered.

So pretty!
[Photo coming soon!]

09 May 2006

Through these windows, we can see your soul

More window installation!

The completion of the yard
inspired Jason to takle a couple windows. He's an animal. See, look:

That's the bathroom window. (Don't you love the tan and white
color scheme. Ugh.) And, here is the spare bedroom window:

The trim has to be painted and re-installed, and we need to find a way to make the bathroom window
not-so-see-through. It'll be nice to do some final touches and get these big projects out of the way.

Speaking of big projects...

Capping these windows is definately a priority. The outer frames are epecially bad on the wall of the bathroom (pictured) and the spare room. I think that this is one project that we will sub-out. Unless we find someone with an aluminum break, of course :o)